(The default reserved words are: "live", "mix", "remix", and "re-mix". (This option can be turned off in the settings.) There is an option to skip consideration of reserved words here. If it has no track number tag but another artist & song name match at an equal or higher bitrate does, it is considered a loose single. If the album name is blank or contains "unknown" and there are any other potential duplicates at an equal or higher bitrate that do have an album name, it is considered a loose single.
Idupe for windows 8 keygen#
Potential duplicates are defined first by having the same artist and song name.Ĭurrently iDupe evalues a single as follows. If your tags are a mess, do not expect iDupe to produce accurate results. (That is, try scanning for example only A-C first.)įor iDupe to work correctly, it depends on accurate ID3 tags.

If you sort your playlist, or the results of "show duplicates" in iTunes by artist or song name, it makes it easier to scan groups of possible matches at a time. iDupe may get stuck with larger selections. (Note that removing tracks from the library can take a particularly long time.) At this point, iDupe runs ok with a selection of up to 2,000 tracks. By warned that large selections can take a long time to process. A recommended useage is to use the "Show Duplicates" command in iTunes and then select the results. IDupe operates on a selection of tracks in iTunes. You then have three choices: 1) remove the unchecked items from that playlist, 2) do that, but also remove those tracks from the main library playlist (if you are not working on a selection of the library playlist), or 3) do both of those things, but also move the file itself to the trash. When you are ready to remove the unchecked items, reselect the group of tracks you want iDupe to operate on. It is then up to you to review the results. The duplicates that iDupe considers worthy of removal will be unchecked on the playlist when you click the "Mark Results in iTunes." button. It will consider whether it is likely to be a loose single track, which version of an album to keep, as well as other considerations. Other potential duplicates will be ranked according to a number of criteria. They will be removed from the playlist by default when you click the "Mark results in iTunes." button. Playlist entries that refer to exactly the same file and "dead tracks" (entries that point to no file) are treated as unambiguously undesirable entries. When it scans a selection, it will make a number of judgement calls. IDupe tries to deal with this problem in a smart way. Second, there is no good way to identify which tracks are actually duplicates as opposed to different versions of the same song, the same song with different bitrates, etc.

First, it offers no good way to remove duplicates while keeping one version of a track. Recent versions of iTunes have a "Show Duplicates" command. IDupe is designed to process duplicates and dead tracks in iTunes in a smart way. Please read the following info carefully before using iDupe.